Rooms & Suites
Esplanade Tergesteo hotel

5-star holiday in Montegrotto Terme
A new way of enjoying your holiday: unique rooms, each one different from the other, for a stay that is always new and stimulating.

Vital Rooms & Suites
  • Refined and exclusive design furnishings, enhanced with stylish accessories, to create elegant, warm and intimate spaces.
    The precious carefully chosen fabrics and the soft terry robes and towels will embrace our guests with charm.
Deluxe Rooms & Suites
  • Rooms and suites that represent the customary high standard of our hotel are a combination of simplicity and comfort. The colour scheme varies from delicate shades of dove grey, beige, and lilac to brighter shades of blue and red. Although the size of the rooms differs according to the type, the common thread is the warm welcome and the modern linear style.
Open chat
💬 Ha bisogno di aiuto? Need help?
L'hotel riaprirà sabato 10 agosto 2024, le risponderemo appena possibile.
The hotel will reopen on Saturday, August 10, 2024, we will answer you as soon as possible.