Well54 Wellness Centre

Don’t delay in dedicating time to yourself and discover how each treatment is a tailor-made ritual to regenerate yourself.
Be ready to immerse yourself in a world of tranquility and beauty, where taking care of yourself becomes a daily celebration.
Welcome to our Well54 Wellness Center, where your well-being is the goal of our work.

Well54 Wellness centre
LONGEVITY precision medicine tests
LONGEVITY precision medicine tests
Cutting-edge tests to get to know your body and live better
LONGEVITY precision medicine tests
Osteopathy and Physiotherapy
To recover the pleasure of movement
Alongside the benefits of the thermal waters, we propose various techniques to restore the physical balance of the body in its correct posture.
Osteopathy and Physiotherapy
Maison Sothys
For excellence in skin care
Maison Sothys, with new and effective professional cosmetic solutions, espouses the idea of responsible beauty, respectful of the skin and the environment.
Beauty hi-tech
For a visibly amazing sking
The combination of extremely effective active ingredients and the most advanced technologies for your elegant and seamless face & body shaping experience.
Beauty hi-tech
Rituals for two
Sensations for two
Inside the exclusive Private Spa Suite at the Wellness Centre Well54 you can experience special rituals dedicated just for couples.
Rituals for two
Thermal treatments
Thermal Care, wellness comes from nature
The thermal water of the Euganean basin enriches the thermal mud; together they create a completely natural blend with extraordinary effectiveness.
Thermal treatments
Body Wellness & Lakshmi selection
Ancient oriental traditions
We propose traditional Ayurveda massages and treatments to regain physical and mental balance.
Lakshmi selection
“Signature” rituals
Thermal mud in a detoxification version
We embrace the simplicity and authenticity of natural, organic and sustainable products. We embrace nature in its purity and integrate it into the dimension of well-being.
"Signature" rituals
Ligne St. Barth
The scents of the Caribbean on your skin
Refined elixirs of Ligne St. Barth, combined with sensory rituals will transport you into the magical and exotic Caribbean atmosphere
Ligne St. Barth
Aesthetic Medicine
The art of creating a pleasing form
The combination of extremely effective active ingredients and the most advanced technologies for your elegant and seamless face & body shaping experience.
Beauty hi-tech & aesthetic medicine
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