Esplanade Tergesteo:
who we are and where we are
Informal, but flawless.
This is the essence of our Montegrotto Terme 5-star hotel: an environment that will win you over with its discreet and all-encompassing luxury, attention to detail and to the guest, for a superlative, tailor-made holiday.
Esplanade Tergesteo is the new “place to be” for those looking for a tasteful stay.
Esplanade Tergesteo – Luxury Retreat: your stylish retreat
  • The stone Buddha that welcomes guests at the entrance seems to whisper the atmosphere of balance and regenerating calm that reigns throughout the retreat.
    The lobby and its welcome area awaken the sense of arrival with its fashionable spaces.
    It creates a location where all details have been carefully chosen to allow the guest to experience their daily life in a new space, dedicated to discreet luxury.
  • A welcoming, extremely comfortable space featuring superb interior design, enhanced by striking original accents for an outstanding living experience.
  • Passion. Innovation. Professionalism.
    Respect for the territory and the environment.
    These are the cornerstones of the hospitality of the 5-star hotel in Montegrotto Terme.
    Passion in one's work, the desire to grow and evolve continuously, to seek beauty and things that are good, to take the best and transform it into a comfortable environment, with an understated and timeless elegance.
  • The hotel’s mission is to provide an environment with a unique style and international character, without losing sight of the satisfaction of the guest, always seeking experiences that are extraordinary and preferably tailor-made.
Patricia Gruber
  • Patricia Gruber gives the Esplanade Tergesteo - Luxury Retreat its identity and leads the team.
    A young hotelier of Austrian origin, she knows how to make every room unique by painstakingly selecting every detail with her distinctive and modern touch.
    The search for a balance between natural elements and a sophisticated design, harmony of privacy and hospitality: these are part of Patricia’s mission to create an exclusive and inimitable stay at the Esplanade Tergesteo - Luxury Retreat.
    Beauty goes hand in hand with the quality of the services offered: excellence in the attention and atmosphere that reigns in the retreat, which aims to be a personal sanctuary, a place where anyone can unplug and relax as in a cosy cocoon.
Our Staff
  • Your welcome begins with a smile.
    The daily commitment of our entire team is based on two key elements: Attention to the guest and love for our vocation. Passion in our daily actions translates into customer satisfaction.
  • A sincere smile from each team member will be the common thread that will accompany you during your holiday at the spa.
Passion for art
  • During your stay at our hotel, you will be able to delight in the works of contemporary art, authentic pieces that adorn and make the environment even more exclusive.
    These are sculptures and paintings, personally chosen by Patricia, guided by her personal taste and her passion, which leads her to enhance areas of the hotel as if it were her own home.
  • A particularly personal touch, but clearly visible in all the common spaces, between one column and the other is Dominia, by Giannelli or his Mr Arbitrium that seems to support a glass window.
    The colours of Fortuna and Murgia are a perfect contrast to a dark wall, the crouched figure of a Rabarama sits in the outdoor space... we won’t reveal any more, they should be discovered.
  • Esplanade Tergesteo - Luxury Retreat is like an art gallery, an invitation to contemplate beauty and uncover its meanings.
Open chat
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L'hotel riaprirà sabato 10 agosto 2024, le risponderemo appena possibile.
The hotel will reopen on Saturday, August 10, 2024, we will answer you as soon as possible.