“American Beauty. From Robert Capa to Banksy” the new exhibition in Padua
An original portrait of the States through the eyes of 120 artists, Americans but not only, with 130 works at the San Gaetano Cultural Center in the historic center of Padua from 13 September 2023 to 21 January 2024.

The sections address some of the most important themes to delve deeper into the analysis of American culture and society.

An original portrait of the States through the eyes of 120 artists, Americans but not only, with 130 works at the San Gaetano Cultural Center in the historic center of Padua from 13 September 2023 to 21 January 2024.

The title of this exhibition is the name of a wonderful red rose created in France, which, exported to the United States, has become the most widespread on the North American continent, as well as the symbolic flower of the city of Washington.

American Beauty is a magnificent and at the same time fragile rose. Its petals resist for a long time before withering, while the stem quickly rots: an effective metaphor of American society and its evident and hidden contradictions.

With the title American Beauty, a selection of 130 works is presented that tell the lights and shadows of the nation that more than any other has characterized the last century on a global level, the United States, precisely.

The exhibition in detail

The sections address some of the most important themes to delve deeper into the analysis of American culture and society.

It is photography that introduces the visitor to the reading of the triumphal and decadent American universe.

We start from black and white, with absolute masters such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Diane Arbus and Elliott Erwitt, to move on to the color images of Steve McCurry, Vanessa Beecroft and Annie Leibovitz.

The beginning of the exhibition itinerary is dedicated to patriotism, the American flag is the symbol par excellence called to represent the typically American nationalistic attachment.

A feast of colors and black and white images taken by great international photographers, all committed to immortalizing the hundreds of public or private demonstrations of American patriotism.

The itinerary is enhanced, from room to room, welcoming creations by masters of Pop Art (James Rosenquist, Robert Indiana and Andy Warhol), up to the protagonists of Street Art: Keith Haring, Mr. Brainwash, Obey and Banksy.

The exhibition continues by trying to outline the complicated international relationships established by the United States over the last hundred years. Starting from participation in the Second World War, up to the most recent experiences in Afghanistan and Iran.

Another focus of the exhibition analyzes the United States and the conflicts that take place not only thousands of kilometers away but also within the home.

Many artists, including Banksy and Paul Insect, immortalize an America in turmoil, shaken by urban guerrillas and the indiscriminate use of firearms; while Steve McCurry talks about the most tragic day for Americans: September 11, 2001.

The exhibition also reserves space for the most current issue in the social debate (internal and external to the United States), namely Black Lives Matter.

American Beauty thus explores some central aspects for understanding the contradictions that run through the US superpower.

A tight story capable of giving voice to some of the absolute protagonists of international art.

Practical info:

  • Exhibition period: from 13 September 2023 to 21 January 2024
  • Exhibition venue: Altinate San Gaetano cultural center, Via Altinate 71, Padua
  • Opening hours: Wednesday to Friday: 10am-1pm and 2pm-7pm Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 10am-7pm Monday and Tuesday: closed (the ticket office closes 30 minutes early)
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